Manila is a huge metropolis and shopper's haven, and crammed into that city are possibly 30 shopping malls selling everything you could imagine. Doing an elective there thus meant it was imperative that I explore the city and said attractions thoroughly, and I spent many an afternoon doing so. Occasionally, though, I came across shops that made me wonder what they could possibly be selling.
Other places were obvious enough about their wares, though less obvious about how to go about the purchase.

Besides shopping, our days were filled with lim jiu,

eating shiok food,

listening to good music, and limming more jiu.

On our first weekend, we decided to explore these 2 towns. Tagaytay is a mountaintop town that offers nice cold weather and stunning views of the world's smallest volcano. Pagsanjan is well-known for its river canoe and waterfall ride. The thing about travelling on your own, however, is that you need to plan ahead and read the guidebooks carefully. It is certainly NOT advisable to wear your bikinis before you set out in anticipation of arriving in time for a nice cooling river ride in the afternoon and then realising only after you drop off that you have gotten the names of the towns mixed up.

On our way back from Pagsanjan, we tried some buko (coconut) pie. It was really good, so we pooh-pooh-ed the guidebook's advice to 'share the pie with some friends, or make some friends to share it with' and promptly devoured an entire one ourselves. We then promptly spent the next day doing alot of poo-poo-ing.

more coming soon