Tuesday, November 29, 2005

To Whom It May Concern

of pianos and bumble bees
of poetry and hidden entries
of thinking much and yet doing little

how many breaths is one to take
to find one has a taste
for steaming chinese confectionery?


Anonymous said...

oke i am not whom it may concern lah huh but there's this dimsum lunch buffet at miramar hotel.. about 14bucks.. not bad lah. had 84 longs of dimsum amongst a table of 8 the other day haha. madness. -yw

Anonymous said...

wahaha. excellent. thanks man. yes on my must-visit list of places now. anyway. yeah wrote that in like 10 mins just for the heck of it so you guys can tease me about it the next time we meet up. heh.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

so he is a sao bao?!